Why I've decided to vote Republican.
My wife owns a brewery and made 6 million dollars last year. No, wait that's McCain, but if we were in that tax bracket I'd sure as hell vote Republican. Even a couple of hundred thousand a year would probably financially justify being a Republican, but alas, I don't, so that's not the reason.
The war in Iraq, now there's a good war, a just war, one that we can be proud of. Don't be like those wimpy liberals and go crying that there was no WMDs or no real evidence that they had ties to Al Qaeda or 9-11. You don't have to be a genius to see they look alike and they're Muslims. for Christ's sake. I mean what a weird religion. (72 virgins and cool, flowing streams, with all kinds of fruit just for the picking; what a screwed up idea! Haven't they ever heard the true story about streets of gold and getting to sit around and talk to Jesus and God all day?)
And, like George said, "We won!" (the last 5 years have just been a little cleaning up action) And every American generation needs to kick a little ass and feel good about itself. And it's good for business, just ask Halliburton, and don't give me any of that shit about Cheney's ex-company (the world is full of coincidences) And did you realize that ammo, bombs and all that stuff will just deteriorate in storage?Just think of the training we're getting for all our troops in case a real war pops up. (Think about all those monotheistic rag heads in Iran) Now all you namby pamby liberals shedding tears over a few dead American kids make me sick. We've lost less than 5,000 total (Hell, we kill more than that in couple of months in car wreaks here at home and it doesn't even compare with 50,000 plus in Viet Nam) I know, I know, what about those brave solders who lost an arm or a leg.-- Just remember, "What does not kill me makes me stronger'. They will emerge with a stronger character - just look at all those old WWII vets. Now don't get me wrong I applaud our fighting men and women over there risking their lives. And now, with an all volunteer military, good ole capitalistic supply and demand is giving economic opportunity to lower class Americans everywhere. But, no it's not the war that will make me vote Republican (even the Democrats promise a least another year and a half of it).
Cuba, now there's a good reason to vote Republican. Damn Communists! The Democrats would even "talk" to Raul Castro. (McCarthy is turning over in his grave).
Republicans have it right when they draw the line at doing any business with communists or socialists. ( Well, except for China, India, and Europe and besides, who needs their damn cigars anyway).
In fact, by not talking to Cuba, Iran, N.Korea, Hamas, Chavez, your mother-in-law (anyone that you don't like) things will get better and Republicans recognize that. (ok, ok, I know that they still communicate with these people through 3 parties, but it's not the same and we've got to keep our respect, huh?) But, no it's not really the Republican's stand on Communist and Dictators that's going to get my vote.
Is it the high gas prices. McCain wants to drill. No I'm just not moved by this one (didn't we all know that eventually all those environmental sanctuaries would eventually be tapped when times got tight--ah come on, you knew that). And just because it will take 20 years for us to experience the financial gains from it, that's no reason not to do it, besides I don't own any beachfront property. And when was the last time you ate a caribou steak? Don't go whining about the environment being lost to future generations---Where are your kids now? With TV, the internet, video games, cell phones, and I-pods the farthest activity that 99% of them want to do is get out in nature. They don't want to go camping in Alaska!
I can't say Obama is any better on this one. Inflate your tires! Sure inflate your tires, drive 20 -30 miles BELOW the speed limit, consider your "carbon footprint", and "look for alternatives.
If either one of these guys really gave a damn about gas prices, and the environment they would give up their big houses and stop flying all across the country burning ton, after ton of jet fuel. No I'm sorry, I think this one is out of the hands of politicians, it's good ole supply and demand and demographic preferences both here and the world. So this issues is sure not going to get my vote one way or the other.
Then there's the health care issue. As usual, the Democrats want to basically socialize medicine and we all know that doesn't work, just ask Canada, Great Britain, France, Sweden, The Netherlands. The Republicans on the other hand want to leave it to the private sector and that seems great to me, but I'm a little worried that all that money the big drug companies and insurance companies are "donating" millions of dollars to our politicians (Republicans and Democrats) is not really making in a true competition among all interested parties (pure capitalism doesn't need to make laws to protect the drug and insurance companies). So, unless John calls for legislators to not take any more bribes, sorry donations, it isn't this issue that's going to get my vote.
Then there is that perennial issue of family values of which I've just go to side with the Republican's here. I mean, the Constitution is all well and good, but let's face what is more important than God, Mom, apple pie, and the flag? I don't know about you, but my life is so much more serene since they added "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.
Abortion, well I'm against it. Is there anyone out there that really has a campaign going on out there to kill more unborn babies? Quite Frankly, I'm much more concerned that we had over 3 million reports of child abuse last year, but I kind of think that it is a little easier and simplistic to march against killing unborn babies. And shouldn't we give unborn babies full rights like the right to inherit property or be counted in a census? Why don't people demonstrate for that?
Homosexuality- Now this is bound to be bad, because it is mentioned in the Bible. (slavery ok, homosexuality- bad) Oh the word isn't really in the Bible, but we have insinuations, like it's a no-no for a man to lie down with another man (didn't say anything about just bending over) Obviously, if everyone became a homosexual that humans would die out and we can't have that. But I think we ought to try to "bring them around" to a hetero-like lifestyle, you know make'm get married ( hell, they're going to diddle each other, just like heterosexuals, whether you approve of it or not), get divorced, pay alimony, pay for insurance for their partners. We should be ever alert for a major push to "homofi" the general population though, just in case; 'cause I not sure "you" could withstand the pressure.
Cloning -- I'm sure this is wrong, especially when I think that George Bush might be cloned.
Prayer in schools--Well, okay go ahead. I can remember when I played high school football, we would say a prayer before every game. More often than not we got the crap beat out of us but we always knew that God was on our side (obviously watching more than helping, but it made me the man I am today.) ***As a school teacher, I was always suspicious that the students weren't really using that "moment of silence" we had each morning to pray, if we made them pray out loud I'm sure their grades on the state test would go up. Amen!
So all these family values that Republicans believe in, I go along with (did I mention guns? I got guns too!), but that's not why I'm voting Republican.
And then there was this really convincing e-mail that I got that made fun of Obama's name (You have to admit Obama sounds more like a comic book sound than an American President). And that Osama Bin Laden's name was a little like Obama's and then the kicker----Sen. Kennedy slipped (Freudian, I do believe) and called Obama, Osama ( If that's not a sign of true evil, what is? Huh?) I was ready to vote Republican right then and there and then I realized that McCain rhymes with Hussein. Oh my, with George Washington Bush it was all so simple!
And, of course, the claim that Obama is an uppity black man (he never even had a "slave" name to change), but then couldn't that be explained by Harvard, I mean aren't all those Ivy Leaguers a bit uppity. Think of all those past Presidents that wouldn't have made it if disqualified Ivy Leaguers. Hell, G.W. went to Yale (Cs do count in college, don't they?) And doesn't anyone have to be a bit egotistical to think that they are best suited to lead the most powerful country in the free world. I would hope J.M. would be too!
This next one, almost was the clincher to vote for McCain. Obama does not wear an American Flag in his lapel! And on his airplane is a modern stylistic symbol of American "strips" and not "Old Glory". The horrors of it all. I know, in my life, symbols have always been so much more important than substance. (like I said, I used to be a teacher). In fact, I think that all good Republican women should get a cute little American flag tattoo in the small of their back so that when they're...., you know....., that doggie thing, well the guy could be.... loving old glory....
Another factor was a recent poll that showed McCain was leading in the group of white, male, uneducated workers. I mean how could all those Bubbas be wrong.
These are all good reasons, but I was still leaning toward the Democratic side until the other day, I rounded a corner and there in one of my neighbor's yard was the deciding factor in my decision to vote Republican. A yard sign that read
John McCain for President. God bless yard signs!
My wife owns a brewery and made 6 million dollars last year. No, wait that's McCain, but if we were in that tax bracket I'd sure as hell vote Republican. Even a couple of hundred thousand a year would probably financially justify being a Republican, but alas, I don't, so that's not the reason.
The war in Iraq, now there's a good war, a just war, one that we can be proud of. Don't be like those wimpy liberals and go crying that there was no WMDs or no real evidence that they had ties to Al Qaeda or 9-11. You don't have to be a genius to see they look alike and they're Muslims. for Christ's sake. I mean what a weird religion. (72 virgins and cool, flowing streams, with all kinds of fruit just for the picking; what a screwed up idea! Haven't they ever heard the true story about streets of gold and getting to sit around and talk to Jesus and God all day?)
And, like George said, "We won!" (the last 5 years have just been a little cleaning up action) And every American generation needs to kick a little ass and feel good about itself. And it's good for business, just ask Halliburton, and don't give me any of that shit about Cheney's ex-company (the world is full of coincidences) And did you realize that ammo, bombs and all that stuff will just deteriorate in storage?Just think of the training we're getting for all our troops in case a real war pops up. (Think about all those monotheistic rag heads in Iran) Now all you namby pamby liberals shedding tears over a few dead American kids make me sick. We've lost less than 5,000 total (Hell, we kill more than that in couple of months in car wreaks here at home and it doesn't even compare with 50,000 plus in Viet Nam) I know, I know, what about those brave solders who lost an arm or a leg.-- Just remember, "What does not kill me makes me stronger'. They will emerge with a stronger character - just look at all those old WWII vets. Now don't get me wrong I applaud our fighting men and women over there risking their lives. And now, with an all volunteer military, good ole capitalistic supply and demand is giving economic opportunity to lower class Americans everywhere. But, no it's not the war that will make me vote Republican (even the Democrats promise a least another year and a half of it).
Cuba, now there's a good reason to vote Republican. Damn Communists! The Democrats would even "talk" to Raul Castro. (McCarthy is turning over in his grave).
Republicans have it right when they draw the line at doing any business with communists or socialists. ( Well, except for China, India, and Europe and besides, who needs their damn cigars anyway).
In fact, by not talking to Cuba, Iran, N.Korea, Hamas, Chavez, your mother-in-law (anyone that you don't like) things will get better and Republicans recognize that. (ok, ok, I know that they still communicate with these people through 3 parties, but it's not the same and we've got to keep our respect, huh?) But, no it's not really the Republican's stand on Communist and Dictators that's going to get my vote.
Is it the high gas prices. McCain wants to drill. No I'm just not moved by this one (didn't we all know that eventually all those environmental sanctuaries would eventually be tapped when times got tight--ah come on, you knew that). And just because it will take 20 years for us to experience the financial gains from it, that's no reason not to do it, besides I don't own any beachfront property. And when was the last time you ate a caribou steak? Don't go whining about the environment being lost to future generations---Where are your kids now? With TV, the internet, video games, cell phones, and I-pods the farthest activity that 99% of them want to do is get out in nature. They don't want to go camping in Alaska!
I can't say Obama is any better on this one. Inflate your tires! Sure inflate your tires, drive 20 -30 miles BELOW the speed limit, consider your "carbon footprint", and "look for alternatives.
If either one of these guys really gave a damn about gas prices, and the environment they would give up their big houses and stop flying all across the country burning ton, after ton of jet fuel. No I'm sorry, I think this one is out of the hands of politicians, it's good ole supply and demand and demographic preferences both here and the world. So this issues is sure not going to get my vote one way or the other.
Then there's the health care issue. As usual, the Democrats want to basically socialize medicine and we all know that doesn't work, just ask Canada, Great Britain, France, Sweden, The Netherlands. The Republicans on the other hand want to leave it to the private sector and that seems great to me, but I'm a little worried that all that money the big drug companies and insurance companies are "donating" millions of dollars to our politicians (Republicans and Democrats) is not really making in a true competition among all interested parties (pure capitalism doesn't need to make laws to protect the drug and insurance companies). So, unless John calls for legislators to not take any more bribes, sorry donations, it isn't this issue that's going to get my vote.
Then there is that perennial issue of family values of which I've just go to side with the Republican's here. I mean, the Constitution is all well and good, but let's face what is more important than God, Mom, apple pie, and the flag? I don't know about you, but my life is so much more serene since they added "under God" to the Pledge of Allegiance.
Abortion, well I'm against it. Is there anyone out there that really has a campaign going on out there to kill more unborn babies? Quite Frankly, I'm much more concerned that we had over 3 million reports of child abuse last year, but I kind of think that it is a little easier and simplistic to march against killing unborn babies. And shouldn't we give unborn babies full rights like the right to inherit property or be counted in a census? Why don't people demonstrate for that?
Homosexuality- Now this is bound to be bad, because it is mentioned in the Bible. (slavery ok, homosexuality- bad) Oh the word isn't really in the Bible, but we have insinuations, like it's a no-no for a man to lie down with another man (didn't say anything about just bending over) Obviously, if everyone became a homosexual that humans would die out and we can't have that. But I think we ought to try to "bring them around" to a hetero-like lifestyle, you know make'm get married ( hell, they're going to diddle each other, just like heterosexuals, whether you approve of it or not), get divorced, pay alimony, pay for insurance for their partners. We should be ever alert for a major push to "homofi" the general population though, just in case; 'cause I not sure "you" could withstand the pressure.
Cloning -- I'm sure this is wrong, especially when I think that George Bush might be cloned.
Prayer in schools--Well, okay go ahead. I can remember when I played high school football, we would say a prayer before every game. More often than not we got the crap beat out of us but we always knew that God was on our side (obviously watching more than helping, but it made me the man I am today.) ***As a school teacher, I was always suspicious that the students weren't really using that "moment of silence" we had each morning to pray, if we made them pray out loud I'm sure their grades on the state test would go up. Amen!
So all these family values that Republicans believe in, I go along with (did I mention guns? I got guns too!), but that's not why I'm voting Republican.
And then there was this really convincing e-mail that I got that made fun of Obama's name (You have to admit Obama sounds more like a comic book sound than an American President). And that Osama Bin Laden's name was a little like Obama's and then the kicker----Sen. Kennedy slipped (Freudian, I do believe) and called Obama, Osama ( If that's not a sign of true evil, what is? Huh?) I was ready to vote Republican right then and there and then I realized that McCain rhymes with Hussein. Oh my, with George Washington Bush it was all so simple!
And, of course, the claim that Obama is an uppity black man (he never even had a "slave" name to change), but then couldn't that be explained by Harvard, I mean aren't all those Ivy Leaguers a bit uppity. Think of all those past Presidents that wouldn't have made it if disqualified Ivy Leaguers. Hell, G.W. went to Yale (Cs do count in college, don't they?) And doesn't anyone have to be a bit egotistical to think that they are best suited to lead the most powerful country in the free world. I would hope J.M. would be too!
This next one, almost was the clincher to vote for McCain. Obama does not wear an American Flag in his lapel! And on his airplane is a modern stylistic symbol of American "strips" and not "Old Glory". The horrors of it all. I know, in my life, symbols have always been so much more important than substance. (like I said, I used to be a teacher). In fact, I think that all good Republican women should get a cute little American flag tattoo in the small of their back so that when they're...., you know....., that doggie thing, well the guy could be.... loving old glory....
Another factor was a recent poll that showed McCain was leading in the group of white, male, uneducated workers. I mean how could all those Bubbas be wrong.
These are all good reasons, but I was still leaning toward the Democratic side until the other day, I rounded a corner and there in one of my neighbor's yard was the deciding factor in my decision to vote Republican. A yard sign that read
John McCain for President. God bless yard signs!
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