I had number of coaches through out my adolescence, and to a person they were all idealists. "You've got to believe that you can. If you believe, then you can". I mean most of them would have loved "The Secret" , as long as they could have seen the movie and not have had to read the book. "Just believe and all things come true." In some form or another most people are attracted to the idea that we can do things with our mind. "He's going to miss the field goal, miss the field goal, miss it, miss it, miss....", "I'm going to take my last few bucks and buy a lottery ticket."
Of course, if you don't win the game or you don't mentally block the other team's free throw then it's because you didn't believe enough. Today was a consequence of my unbelief. What was actually a pretty good day, fell short of a great day because I got a speck of (%$!!UCK##) in my eye. And being, rather weak in my spirituality lately, I was unable to "think" the damn thing away. It would have been depressing as all hell, it I wasn't able to compartmentalize my own philosophical approach. I was not a victim, but merely exist in a mechanistic material world that has all kinds of minuscule specks blowing around in the environment of which I'm just another part of and that speck and my eye met up. Actually this having different reality paradigms, often quite conflicting, seems to be the norm rather than the exception, like a Christian Fundamentalist who believes in dinosaurs, or that a woman could be a preacher. As a psychological gimmick it not only relieves a lot of stress, but lets the scientific fellow enjoy the ghost stories. It is only the fanatic that seems to be able to hold only one paradigm and give service to only it. But all in all, after all these years the real truth is probably that they all equal, and all are hollow. It's that some are a little more entertaining than others. Anyway, my eye feels better now just talking about it.
Kamala and I have finally completed our project of restoring the little pop-up trailer. Kamala has done a fantastic job of sewing the canvas. I mean great. Not having sewn very much in her life and to take the old canvas, cut a pattern from it and sew the heavy material together is just amazing. I have played more of a support role, you know, giving my opinion, making Kamala a cup of coffee, putting a microwave dinner on or telling her what a wonderful job she's doing. It's been a little tough, but fun at the same time and now it's ready to roll, so we are taking off for a couple of weeks. The list has been checked, the bike and the dog packed and we'll be rolling out tomorrow morning. Actually it's just a little test run around West Texas and eastern New Mexico as we have to be back in a couple of weeks, so Kamala can do her civic duty as a juror and then I have my own jury duty the first week of January. I've been thinking of committing some minor crime, not enough to go to jail, but just enough to get convicted of a felony so I won't have to do this jury crap. I'd rather dispense soup at the homeless shelter or give free condoms to hookers... ah, but that's another rant for another time.
Of course, if you don't win the game or you don't mentally block the other team's free throw then it's because you didn't believe enough. Today was a consequence of my unbelief. What was actually a pretty good day, fell short of a great day because I got a speck of (%$!!UCK##) in my eye. And being, rather weak in my spirituality lately, I was unable to "think" the damn thing away. It would have been depressing as all hell, it I wasn't able to compartmentalize my own philosophical approach. I was not a victim, but merely exist in a mechanistic material world that has all kinds of minuscule specks blowing around in the environment of which I'm just another part of and that speck and my eye met up. Actually this having different reality paradigms, often quite conflicting, seems to be the norm rather than the exception, like a Christian Fundamentalist who believes in dinosaurs, or that a woman could be a preacher. As a psychological gimmick it not only relieves a lot of stress, but lets the scientific fellow enjoy the ghost stories. It is only the fanatic that seems to be able to hold only one paradigm and give service to only it. But all in all, after all these years the real truth is probably that they all equal, and all are hollow. It's that some are a little more entertaining than others. Anyway, my eye feels better now just talking about it.
Kamala and I have finally completed our project of restoring the little pop-up trailer. Kamala has done a fantastic job of sewing the canvas. I mean great. Not having sewn very much in her life and to take the old canvas, cut a pattern from it and sew the heavy material together is just amazing. I have played more of a support role, you know, giving my opinion, making Kamala a cup of coffee, putting a microwave dinner on or telling her what a wonderful job she's doing. It's been a little tough, but fun at the same time and now it's ready to roll, so we are taking off for a couple of weeks. The list has been checked, the bike and the dog packed and we'll be rolling out tomorrow morning. Actually it's just a little test run around West Texas and eastern New Mexico as we have to be back in a couple of weeks, so Kamala can do her civic duty as a juror and then I have my own jury duty the first week of January. I've been thinking of committing some minor crime, not enough to go to jail, but just enough to get convicted of a felony so I won't have to do this jury crap. I'd rather dispense soup at the homeless shelter or give free condoms to hookers... ah, but that's another rant for another time.